Won’t He do it?!

Yeasss God! So I know what you’re thinking. How dare she even show her fingers on WordPress after, how many Months? But if you have been following me for a while (yes, I see you) then you will know that I was climbing some mountains and conquering some valleys ya’ll! But guess what? I’m alive,…

Nominated for two Awards and relocated to the UAE!

I know it’s a lot to process. Take your time. Yes, she moved. But more on that subject later. On the 10th of January, I got a very, very pleasant surprise when I checked on my B&D Blog notifications. Why? Well, the dear blogger balletandboxing, nominated me on her blog, Discovering Ratchet, for the ‘Very Inspiring Blogger Award‘ and…

Live Life

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to [live] begin it. – W.M. Lewis

The power run

Is it worth to try ? To convince those who deny That which is so clearly seen That which destroys the very soul of not just one human being Destroys a generation Takes away the very right to be What is the price of human life? How far does my power have to stretch? To…