The Strong Independent Woman

A lot of times, us next generation ‘independent women’ pride ourselves in our inner strength. We love to boast about it and encourage each other to be strong and keep going. We love the feeling of going through so much yet handling each situation calm and collectively each and every time. Our kind of woman…

Daily Shorts #2 : The pain of womanhood

Click here for part 1 My Dad never needed any other reason apart from dry weather to host a Barbecue party. And even that ‘rule’ had it’s exemptions, such as drizzle. Barbecuing in the rain was not a party stopper for this one. And so it was, on a drizzly Friday, that i arrived at my fathers…

Daily Shorts #1: Bra’s and things

I was the first girl in my primary school to grow breasts. Lord knows how I tried to cover up those impostors! But the more i tried, the bigger they appeared to get (dramatic background music). So, i gave up and gave in to a new era: The wearing of a bra. As the months…

Live Life

The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to [live] begin it. – W.M. Lewis